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Tax Benefits for Adoption

  • Listed: January 5, 2019 5:06 pm
  • Expires: 997773 days


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Program Description

The adoption credit could reduce your income tax by claiming your qualified adoption expenses on your federal income tax return. If you received employer-provided adoption assistance, you may be able to exclude some of your income from tax.

Program Requirements

In order to qualify for the adoption credit or exclusion, you must have paid qualified adoption expenses for an eligible child; under age 18, or any disabled person physically or mentally unable to take care of himself or herself, including a child with special needs. The credit and exclusion are each subject to an income and a dollar limitation.

Application Process

To figure your adoption credit and any employer-provided adoption benefits you can exclude from your income, complete Form 8839, Qualified Adoption Expenses, and attach the form to your Form 1040 or Form 1040NR when filing your annual tax return.

Contact Information

For additional information, see the Instructions for Form 8839,or visit Tax Topic 607 – Adoption Credit and Adoption Assistance Programs on the IRS website.

For additional information, write to us at:

IRS Tax Forms & Publications


1111 Constitution Ave NW

Washington, DC 20224


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Listing ID: 7285c30e3cd01c05

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A guide for US Government Federal and State Benefits published by benefits.gov

This is a third party app and we are not affiliated with benefits.gov or US Government.. If you are looking for an app that consolidates all the benefit listings by Federal and US states, this is a good app to start with. Listings can also be found on the benefits.gov website.